554 people gave us answers to the questions in our raffle form. Of those 554 people 269 answered one of the first four questions wrong. Pretty amazing seeing that all the questions could be answered correctly with a little help of Google.
With 285 people still in de race for the big price 207 people guessed a number that was too high. Some even thought we would hit over 1.000.000 visits in 4 days, that would’ve been cool, but that’s a sick high number.
73 people weren’t as optimistic as the rest, with an all time low of just 80 visitors (we’re giving away an 1849 euro gaming machine, we are bound to have more then 80 visits!).
For those calculated there are 4 people left. Indeed, 4 people gave exactly the same answer. 2500 visits. How do we get to a winner when 4 people give us the exact same answer? We can’t divide the computer in 4 pieces. The only thing that is correct to choose from one of those four is to choose the one that was fastest. So we celebrate mister:
Joachim “kryptz” Lefever
With winning the € 1849,- Gaming Machine Tones.be is giving away! Congratulations!
Congratulations to the winner!
Congratz Joachim!
Thanks very much!
I can use it very well 😀
Gefeliciteerd kryptz! Een beetje jaloers. Maar na deze wedstrijd boeit het mij niet zoveel meer 😛
Gefeliciteerd! We krijgen wel een speech he ? 😛
Mij boeit het ook niet, was leuk als ik hem zou winnen, zo niet, heb ik ook niks verloren! Nu maar hopen dat de halve finale vanavond wordt gewonnen!