And the winners are:
Everyone: Have fun with your Battlefield 3 Beta experience! Owh, and to the three girls that won: Please don’t give them to your boyfriend but enjoy the game yourself! We <3 Girl Gamers!
Also: We have one more code left, and it will go to the most original tweet to us. And since we still want you to have a chance: Tweet us ;)! And be original about it.
And of course thanks to ClanHost.nl for providing these keys. If you manage to get a key and need a server, check them out!

Veel plezier vanavond!
Pff told ya I wasn’t going to get oen.
Screwed up with the wrong Editio nof MOH
Damn damn damn
To all who won : Gratz
Die weten komende weken weer wat doen ^^ 😀