Last two DreamHack we gave away these fleece blankets which were perfect. Small to carry, looking good in any house and when you got cold you suddenly had a full blanket to put over you. Only we found one problem. As soon as we got cold during a night of gaming and we would take out our Intel Pack4DreamHack fleece blanket, we noticed that it was either covering our whole body or covering half and being able to game.
We needed a solution for this, since gaming when it is cold is not ideal. Our model went out and tried to find a solution for this problem and as you can see on the photo, he found it: an Intel Snuggie! A fleece blanket with sleeves! Perfect to keep your whole body warm whilst gaming away furiously! Complete with a big Intel logo it is the perfect goodie for our Packers.
Ziet er weer gaaf uit mensen!
Kunnen we tenminste een beetje integreren bij die Zweden!
Inderdaad! Het begint al te lijken op die Zweedse pyjamapakken!
Dat noem ik nu eens handig!