Kaos TV the final blog

Published on June 26th, 2010

It’s not quite the finale blog as I am currently rendering out a batch of material (which will be online this weekend!). So what is left to come? Read on below.
1) Interview with Jean-Pierre of Dreamhack
2) Shoutcasts of Antwerp Aces vs aAa, mTw (winners dreamhack) and h2k (second spot dreamhack compo)
3) The closing episode of dreamhack with the last funny moments..the trip back and a musical ending to our trip.

More to come is:
4) A Kaos TV weekly update special regarding Dreamhack with the best fragbites, soundbites and women
5) DJ Hance in the mix with some timely taken editing mumbojumbo that I still have to cook up for all of you.

Anyhow, here goes the english version of the blogpost I wrote on Kaosgaming earlier this week.

Well well…that’s it again people. Dreamhack is done, sad but true. I left Sweden with sweet memories once again. Dreamhack still remains the best gaming event to date, combining fun, competion and entertainment into one wholesale jacket…I love it. As we expected it was another marathon for us with Kaos TV, working around the clock and still have enough material to cost me 4 days extra work :P.

Kaos TV wishes to thank all communities that assisted us in accomplishing such another succesful dreamhack. Props go out to bescene.net and gamelux.nl but not to forget tek-9, cadred and whomever I missed. We can’t forget to thank Timon and Erik or assisting us with a few shoutcasts! And ofcourse our own CS1.6 with predominantly Eric ‘slaYn’ that gave us an extra edge on shoutcasting that is somewhat unprecendented in benelux e-sports…cheers bud! And last but not least a clappy the clap for Rene liQuid^moTion whom proved his worth to Kaos TV in his first trial by fire :P.

And for who thought my props are done…not yet :P. Rob and Stefan need a thank you and I need to specially thank Rob for saving my ass with the broken i.Link cable and trusting our methods :). All people behind Intel pack4dreamhack can give themselves a well deserved pat on the back, Kurt included ;).

Ofcourse we need to thank YOU the viewer as well. We have managed to obtained a nicely reached 23.000 viewers so far which will be growing more once the new video’s are out. Your views give us the motivation to go on. Thanks to your views and the dreamhack success we have even decided to make another 16.000 euro investment into more broadcasting gear that will further up our quality and availability to another level.

We from Kaos TV hope to see everyone and more of you live from Sweden for the coming winter edition.

Please support us by subscribing to our youtube channel and keep an eye on our site and streaming supplier for more Kaos TV to come!

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