the only issue i’ve had with way low watt amps, is yes you can push them at a much lower volume. (great for rock in a small club) however if your running delays in a modern worship vibe, the delays won’t sound good. its like running delay before an overdrive pedal.
love the way your organized this not suprised tho . . . you are super organized I’m working on a wedding on at the moment – and i just loving having these lil inspiration images around. I have a few of these on my inspiration wall plus other stuff. do you have one of those ?
we have the best of both worlds.. she drives a trans am (v-8) that has 300 hp and still gets 28 on the highway.. i drive a 92 model 4×4 convertible 4 cyl that gets 35 mpg no matter what i do (though it is gutless!). can you guess what it is?
I’m not easily imspsreed. . . but that’s impressing me!
A cikk és a hozzászólások alapján nem augusztus hanem junius 25 lesz Zoli. Egyébként a tavalyi tapasztalatok alapján augusztus 27 azért nem jó mert a nyár végére mindenki elfárad már a sok programban, az idő se volt jó plusz aug 20-at követő hétvége és egymás után 2 ilyen dologra nem vállalkoztak az emberek mifelénk. Ilyenkor juniusban még mindenki pörög és talán még kevesebben nyaralnak.
As Charlie Sheen says, this article is “WINNING!”
the only issue i’ve had with way low watt amps, is yes you can push them at a much lower volume. (great for rock in a small club) however if your running delays in a modern worship vibe, the delays won’t sound good. its like running delay before an overdrive pedal.
There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.
love the way your organized this not suprised tho . . . you are super organized I’m working on a wedding on at the moment – and i just loving having these lil inspiration images around. I have a few of these on my inspiration wall plus other stuff. do you have one of those ?
we have the best of both worlds.. she drives a trans am (v-8) that has 300 hp and still gets 28 on the highway.. i drive a 92 model 4×4 convertible 4 cyl that gets 35 mpg no matter what i do (though it is gutless!). can you guess what it is?