Lately some weird things have started happening around our offices, next to the daily amounts of email and real mail (how the hell did you guys find our address?) we had more and more pigeons and owls near our windows trying to post even more letters. We even picked up the phone one day and heard morse code coming from the speakers. Okay, we get it, you guys want more information!
And it is sad to say that we can’t promise anything yet but the fact is that more information will be released in the near future. Fact of the matter is that this trip isn’t set up with a day or two and we are working hard on being able to give the green light! So expect some more news soon, as long as you follow us on either Facebook or Twitter you WILL be one of the first to know ;)!
In other news, today DreamHack released their new StarCraft II competition details and it is looking to be one hell of a spectacle with a total prize purse of over 180.000$! Check their site for more information!